What is wrong with these people?

I never cease to be astonished that some religious leaders have so immersed themselves in their batty belief that it has effectively immunised them against any basic human decency. To illustrate using example from this year, (and remember, the year is only three fracking days old), here are a couple of examples … Example 1 … Read more

Islamists Murdering Aid Workers

The utter insanity is almost impossible to grasp, but the news is that some religious lunatics started the new year in Pakistan by murdering aid workers. As reported by the New York Times … Continuing a militant campaign of violence against aid workers in Pakistan, gunmen on Tuesday shot dead seven Pakistani teachers and health workers, … Read more

Today’s daft claim: “Black Hole discovered in Quran” …. Nope.

A Muslim has posted the following claim that is currently doing the rounds at the moment … (I’ve had to truncate the text a bit, it is too long to post it all) … THE SCIENTIFIC MIRACLES OF THE QURAN : BLACK HOLES … the verse below may also be pointing to this scientific discovery about black … Read more

Unveiled Syrian Facebook post stirs women’s rights debate

The BBC reports that a page supporting women’s rights has suddenly received a wave of attention because of an image posted there by one of its followers. The picture was of 21-year-old Dana Bakdounis, without the veil she had grown up wearing – and it polarised opinion. Dana Bakdounis has been brought up in conservative Saudi … Read more

World famous musician Fazil Say put on trial in Turkey for “Insulting Religion” with a couple of tweets

Fazil Say, who has played with the New York Philharmonic, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra and others, was put on trial in Turkey … his crime? he does not believe superstitious nonsense. So what exactly happened? The Guardian reports … for sending tweets that included one in April that joked about a call to prayer that … Read more