8 year old Yemeni girl dies of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying 40 year old

This is both sad, utterly pathetic, and beyond repellent, Reuters and various other sources report … An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media … Read more

Islam Today – “Married” 60 times before the age of 18 – This is religious prostitution

Sex outside of marriage is frowned upon within Islam, so much so in fact that rape victims can end up jailed or even being stoned to death for the crime of being raped. Really? Sadly yes indeed, 13 year old Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was brutality raped. When she reported this to the authorities, they put her … Read more

Why has Bangladesh gone crazy and started locking up bloggers?

A group of four writers have been arrested in Bangladesh and will stand trial in November. Their crime? They have been accused of publishing material that “causes hurt to religious beliefs” [About here is the right place to start cranking up your stunned silence] In the picture on the left, the three bloggers pictured in the … Read more

Can an Islamic Apologist ever change his mind?

The short answer is “Yes”. There is of course the rather common experience of a complete dismissal of facts and a continuous assertion of  debunked claims. A rather extreme example concerned a posting in which a Muslim quotes Darwin writing about the evolution of the eye being absurd. In response, it was quickly pointed out that … Read more

Escape from Taliban author shot dead after returning to Afghanistan

The rather sad news is that Sushmita Banerjee, the Indian woman who wrote a book about her dramatic account of escaping Taliban-ruled Afghanistan nearly two decades ago has been murdered by some religious thugs. The Guardian reports … The author Sushmita Banerjee, who married an Afghan and lived for years in a remote rural area, became a celebrity in India when her … Read more

Threats against Nahla Mahmoud

Maryam Namazie has an update on what has been happening, I’m reproducing it in full here without any edits or additional comment  … As you know, following an interview on Channel 4 on Sharia law, Islamists threatened Sudanese secular campaigner and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Spokesperson Nahla Mahmoud with death, calling her a “Kafira” and “Murtada” who has offended Islam and … Read more