Islamic Terrorism – The Statistics and how we can tackle it

If you dig into the statistics concerning Islamic terrorism then what you find are some surprising facts. First, let’s start with the hopefully obvious observation. Almost every single day news reaches us of yet another barbaric atrocity that has been inspired and motivated by Islam. What should of course be immediately clear is that such … Read more

The brutal murder of secular activist and writer Avijit Roy

I’m personally sickened and appalled to learn that secular blogger Avijit Roy was been murdered in Bangladesh yesterday. The IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) has the details, so I’m cutting and pasting the following directly from their website … “Abhijit Roy lives in America and so, it is not possible to kill him right now. He will be murdered when he … Read more

BBC Poll of British Muslims – What does it really tell us about Islamophobia?

So there has been a poll of British Muslims that was commissioned by BBC Radio 4 and the results are now out. There is both good news but also some rather worrying stuff as well. First, what did they actually do? They polled one thousand and that is supposed to be a number that is statistically … Read more

Cartoons of Mohammed – needlessly provocative or a defence of free expression?

Let’s start this thought experiment with a small scenario. Suppose you lived in a small town that contained buildings for the various religious beliefs to meet in, a Mosque, a synagogue and a Catholic Church. How would you feel if things played out like this. Each friday, the catholics and Jews would gather outside the … Read more

Saudi Cleric claims that sun revolves around the earth – #cleric_rejects_rotation_of_Earth

Yesterday, when I posted some of the rather strange claims being made by Pat Robertson on US TV, I had convinced myself that perhaps that was as weird as it gets. Well, it turns out that I was quite wrong about this because a friend shared something even more eccentric. A Saudi cleric has popped up … Read more

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