How to Make a Small Fortune on the Stock Market

First, I better set your expectations correctly, I’m not trying to sell you anything, nor am I giving you actual financial guidance. Instead this is a posting about how utterly absurd the pricing of the DJT stock actually is. However, I will tell you a guaranteed way that you can use to make a small … Read more

Ron DeSantis Really is “Florida Man” Incarnated

The guy who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial last week turned out to have been a whacky conspiracy theorist. He did what he did for utterly crazy reasons and was not doing it for Trump. He had driven up from his home in Florida, hence was also a “Florida Man”. In other … Read more

How to Destroy a School District in One Easy Lesson

Woodland Park School District in Colorado has been infiltrated and then utterly decimated by a group of religious fanatics. They belonged to a church run by Christian Nationalist Andrew Wommack. Actually, the word “decimated”might be the wrong description. That’s a reference to a form of punishment applied to any Roman Legion who dared to mutiny. To restore order, … Read more