Why Do Evangelicals support Trump?


Traditionally you would perhaps expect that Evangelicals would be all about Love, Forgiveness, and helping the stranger, but within the US political arena there exists a bizarre and quite pervasive political-religious devotion to Trump amongst the vast majority of those that identify as white evangelicals. Regardless of all that has happened, as many as 71% … Read more

What happened at the UNFCC Climate Conference?

climate conference

The short summary is this – progress was made, but it is simply not enough to address the galloping pace of climate change. What has been agreed is not pointless, it does help, and yet which would you rather be, nearly saved or nearly drowned. Durwood Zaelke, president of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, … Read more

Poll: Would an Atheist candidate be elected today?

atheist vote

A recurring polling question is to ask people about the type of candidate that they would vote for. For example, a 2016 Gallup poll discovered that the following types of candidates would be fine with the vast majority… Catholic Candidate? – 93% would vote yes A women Candidate? – 92% would vote yes Black Candidate? … Read more

EU Mythology


I briefly caught a BBC interview the other night. It involved an interview with a couple of MPs whose names are not well known, and even if I mentioned them you will forget after about 10 seconds. One was Tory and the other was a LibDem. What quite frankly astonished me was the Tory, an … Read more

Irish Blasphemy is now legal

The news from Ireland last weekend is not just good, it is excellent. Nestled amongst the details are two truly outstanding results. One is the presidential election, and the other concerns blasphemy. A progressive candidate was reelected by a landslide as President of Ireland The absurd Blasphemy law has been officially obliterated from the Irish … Read more