Most people want religion out of politics
Pew have published the results of a survery that asking people about religion and public life. I have doubts regarding the answers given.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Pew have published the results of a survery that asking people about religion and public life. I have doubts regarding the answers given.
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
When faced with the utterly bizarre weekly wingnut proclamations you would be strongly tempted to think that nobody would be stupid enough to actually believe this stuff. Then, to your complete astonishment, many of their accolades are quite happy to pop up and prove you quite wrong about that. You have to wonder why it … Read more
Facebook issued an official policy regarding anti-vaccination misinformation within advertisements back last March. It reads as follows … Combatting Vaccine Misinformation We are working to tackle vaccine misinformation on Facebook by reducing its distribution and providing people with authoritative information on the topic. We are starting by taking a series of steps: We will reduce the … Read more
Is this my Halloween special of Wingnut weekly? Halloween is our traditional “Fright Night”. It is a time when Demons and Ghosts roam the land … well not really. We all know it is all a bit of harmless fun. Should I spruce things up for this posting to include devils, goblins, and demons? I’ve … Read more
As the 2020 elections loom in the US and also in the UK in just a few weeks, the role that Facebook plays in swinging the outcome via outright manipulation and lies is coming sharply into focus. “I don’t know, I can’t remember” There was this recent interaction between AOC and Mark Zuckerberg. What happened … Read more