Wingnut Weekly – 15 Dec 2019
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
It is make your mind up time. Today is election day in the UK. Here are a few pointers to the analysis conducted by Full Fact. What was Fake News and what was actually true? We have been through a storm of political ads from all the major parties. Luckily, we also have the non-partisan … Read more
Thursday 12th Dec is Election day in the UK. Is it a nice clean election with no evidence of any manipulation at all? Er … no. Here are a few quick examples. The Punch that was not a Punch The BBC Sockpuppets are being played as usual. For example we had the “credible” report yesterday … Read more
A rather consistent wingnut strategy is not to make a compelling argument, but to instead falsely brand your opponents as literally evil incarnate. This quite literal demonisation is very blatant emotional manipulation that is designed to provoke an emotional response within their base that overrides any possibility of analytical thinking. We see labels such as … Read more
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics