Hitler joined the Mormon church … in 1993 … WTF!!

Courtesy of a blog posting from Professor Bruce M Hood, is the news that Hitler apparently joined the Mormon church in 1993. This is not the story of some poor bloke with the same name, but rather is fully certified proof that Adolf “lets-invade-Poland” Hitler was baptised into their fold… you can click on the … Read more

Obama as the Antichrist!!!

I just came across an old article in the May edition of Scientific American by Steve Mirsky. Apparently Harris Interactive conducted an on-line survey in March regarding what folks in the US thought of President Obama, and (as you might expect) the results proved to be rather startling … for example, Steve reports … 40 … Read more

PZ gets email from kooks

The author of the worlds most famous science blog, Pharyngula, gets email …and not just any old email, because he appears to attract droves of complete nutters who feel compelled to convert him. So how should you handle such rantings, bin it, ignore it, or have a serious discussion? Well, regardless of how you might … Read more