Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News Items

I started out doing “Top 3 Religious News Items” and that then evolved into “Weird Religious News”. What does become clear over time is that this is not just about belief. The majority of humans inherit a cultural tradition, and most will generally participate and adhere to the bits they enjoy with varying degrees of … Read more

Weird Religious News – The redundancy of Satire

Once upon a time being a satirist was a cushy job. There were plenty of easy targets. Sadly such days are gone. With the marriage of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism, we now live in a truly weird age where it is more or less impossible to work out what is satire and what is … Read more

Weird Religious News – Trump & Friends at CPAC

It’s that time of year again when we have what must be more or less a wet-dream for that blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. This past week saw CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) take place. No longer is this event a traditional Conservative event, this is a new shiny CPAC reformed in the … Read more

Weird Religious News – Bastshit Crazy

The majority of humans have inherited a cultural religious tradition and will in general accept various aspects with varying degrees of confidence, for example thinking that story X has some truth to it, but creation myth Y is just a metaphor designed to illustrate a point. For most that is reasonable, but there are however … Read more

Weird Religious News – Trump’s Unicorns

The word weird is of course wholly appropriate for the blend of religion and right-wing politics. Other words that naturally come to mind include “delusional” and “fantasy” because these are folks who don’t just read books about Narnia, but instead they have moved in, taken up residence, and live there. This is a place where … Read more

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