The Creationist Multi-verse

One quite interesting aspect of creationism is that there is a very wide diversity of quite different variations of belief, and because it is evolving all the time, it is almost impossible to keep up. Yes, that is a rather ironic observation – the evolution of Creationism. Anyway, to give you an idea of how … Read more

The Centre For Unintelligent Design – Updates

About one year ago Keith Gilmour, a UK based School Teacher, went head-to-head with a Creationist kook called Dr Alastair Noble in response to a talk he gave at an event organised by the Humanist Society of Scotland. That dialog in turn led to Casey Luskin jumping in … yes indeed “That” Mr Luskin, the Discovery Institute staffer. Poor old Mr … Read more

Coping with “Crazy”

I’ve been having an on-line debate with an Islamic Creationist today, and as you might expect, it’s the usual bat-shit crazy stuff. After pointing out that 99.98% of scientists accept evolution as a well-established fact, you find such a reality does not in any way initiate any pause for thought, but instead results in statements … Read more

Richard Dawkins celebrates a victory over creationists

How would you feel about government funds being used to propagate creationism? It just so happens that over here in the UK quite a few folks were not exactly thrilled at the concept, and so they lobbied the government to do something about it. The good news is that in these cash strapped times, the … Read more

It is OK to believe in a Creator without being a ‘creationist’?

Andrew Brown’s latest blog posting draws a distinction between Creationists : the folks who claim evolution is a lie and God did it all asis Believers who believe in a Creator: they tend to accept evolution and would simply claim that is how god did it, that there is a plan, and because we can … Read more

Creationism in the classroom

Andrew Brown writes in the Guardian (with a picture of some bloke setting things up at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky)  … At least creationists have given it some thought. Would you rather an indifferent or a passionately wrong child in the science classroom? Let’s not simply sneer at Darwin deniers If you read … Read more

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