Photo by Gage Skidmore – This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Pro-Trump activist Candace Owens (pictured above) will often register on the BS detector because of some of the deeply wild and totally whacky stuff that she comes out with. While it can usually be ignored, every now and then she will demonstrate her skill as a master promoter of raw nonsense, and so it warrants some attention. What is coming up is not the usual whacky stuff, but instead is truly PhD level (That’s “PhD” as in, this bullshit is indeed Piled high and Deep).
Before we get into it, I’ll first cover some basics of who she is and where she came from. I’ll then take you through what was promoted. Finally I’ll reveal some speculation regarding what is really going on here.
Who is Candace Owens?
She started out her career as a critic of conservative Republicans. In 2015 she wrote about the “bat-shit-crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party“. By 2016 she was openly mocking Trump with references to his penis size.
Between then and 2017 she underwent a conversion. What appears to have triggered it was her proposed website to dox on-line trolls. The pushback consisted of people doxing her private details. One the basis of no evidence at all she blamed progressives for the doxing and then found that the radical right-wing gave her a shoulder to cry on. Almost overnight she went full right-wing pro-trump and so Charlie Kirk hired her.
Between between 2017 and 2019 she was the communications director for Turning Point USA. She then joined The Daily Wire and began hosting Candace, a political talk show … until she managed to get herself fired last march. What happened there is that she had adopted the stance that what was going on in Gaza was Genocide. Co-founder of the Daily Wire Ben Shapiro disagreed … strongly and very publicly … and so they tossed her out (fired her).
Her stance is of course correct, it really is Genocide. So should we listen to all she says because she got that call right?
Hold that thought.
While her stance on that one issue might indeed be correct, there is so much more. Being right about something does not mean she is right about anything else, however that’s not it. The real problem here is this. She is very very pro-Nazi: – holocaust denialism: tick; Hitler was just fine: tick, so yea, she is indeed so right wing now that she makes so others on the right look very very left wing. How this manifests is no deep surprise for those that are familiar with her various stances. She has basically …
…built a reputation as one of the few Black voices in rightwing media by tossing Black culture and Black people under the conservative bus. She embraced Donald Trump’s lawlessness while castigating Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and Black victims of police brutality as “thugs” and criminals. For Owens, the January 6 insurrection was “virtually nothing”, while the Black Lives Matter movement “is about Black anarchy”. She told a congressional subcommittee that “white supremacy and white nationalism is not a problem that is harming Black America”.
So yes, it is indeed deeply weird to find a Black woman who is deeply anti-Black.
So how did somebody so right-wing make the right call regarding Gaza?
Given what I have revealed, it’s not hard to guess, but permit me to spell it out. It was no moral imperative, instead it was driven by her utterly absurd antisemitic conspiracy beliefs…
Owens has graduated from criticizing Israel’s military actions to increasingly antisemitic rhetoric on social media, alluding to the existence of a “sinister” Jewish “gang” in Hollywood and accusing a “fringe minority” of Jews of being “evil Marxists” intent on gaining “political power.” She also recently liked a tweet accusing Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a longtime critic of Owens, of being “drunk on Christian blood,” a reference to the antisemitic blood libel conspiracy theory that has been used to defend the persecution and murder of Jews for centuries. Owens has also repeatedly defended her friend Kanye West, who famously tweeted about going “death con 3 [sic] on Jewish people” and has publicly professed his admiration of Hitler.
In other words, while she is right about Gaza, it is for all the wrong reasons.
Let’s be crystal clear about taking a Gaza stance. It is wholly appropriate to criticise the deeply immoral actions of the Israeli regime, and do so for good solid ethical reasons (Hint: slaughtering vast numbers of civilians is a war crime), and not for really bad reasons (Hint: Antisemitic beliefs).
Where there has been a lot of confusion is that many Israel supporters have utilised a charge to antisemitism to gag wholly appropriate fact-based and warranted criticism.
If you are still struggling with that, then let me put a question to you. Are all the jewish people, including many rabbis, who are openly criticising Israeli policy in Gaza being Antisemitic?
OK, I’m getting a tad off topic. I think however you get my point now – If there is a political position to take, then these days you can more or less guarantee that Ms Owens will adopt an utterly bizarre stance on it for very bad reasons. The exception was Gaza, while her stance is right, the reasons for doing so were not.
Here are a few of her other wild and deeply whacky positions …
- Critical of feminism
- Disney are “Child groomers and Pedophiles”
- That the “LGBTQ movement brought with it a sexual plague on our society”
- Deeply critical of welfare
- All undocumented immigrants must be immediately deported
- Climate Change is not real
- Anti vaccine
- Bill gate is a vaccine criminal
- Australia is a NAZI state and the US should invade it and take over
- etc etc…
So … having laid all that out, I’ve more or less set your expectations for what is about to come.
You will not be disappointed.
People don’t accept evolution because they were brainwashed by “modern Satanists.”
Via Media Matters who have the clip from 29th July.
Below is what she said and along with it I have injected comments …
CANDACE OWENS (HOST): Could you imagine just like the story of man here. Like, it just really — we have a creator. Right?
Nope, wrong. Yes it is a religious belief, but the credible verifiable objective evidence that this is true is exactly zero. OK fine, this is just a standard theist stance, no big deal.
We have a Bible that tells us the story of exactly what happened.
“exactly what happened“!. It is not a history book. For a long detailed dive into that you can start with the Wikipedia article “Historicity of the Bible“, it’s a good primer on the topic.
And then it takes some modern Satanists to come around and to convince you that actually you’re from an ape. No, like, they’re like, this is this is science. It’s science, guys. You come from apes. You were an Australopithecus, and then you were like, oh, and then one day you started walking erect, homo erectus, you started walking around, and now you can speak and, yeah, the chimps are still here and you — you share a DNA with them. You’re — you come from monkeys. And there are people that believe that because trust the science. Right?
This is where she took a deeply weird left-hand turn into the twilight zone, and so it becomes a “Wait, she claimed what!“
No, evolutionary biology is not something promoted by Satanists. Nobody came around to knock on your door and convince anybody about this. She also appears to be suggesting that people were persuaded to evolve in real-time. It’s totally mad stuff.
We don’t come from apes, that’s not how it works. Instead, all primates have a common ancestor.
Evolution is not a “belief”, I don’t “believe”, but instead I accept what the prevailing overwhelming evidence points to.
“Don’t trust the science” says the lady who is using modern scientific achievements to broadcast her whacky views to her 2.2 million subscribers.
They pollute our bodies every single day. We understand this. We’re literally being mass poisoned by the same government that is rinsing the population with this atheism, with this atheist ideology, while convincing people to believe in themselves.
“pollute our bodies every single day.” … education within here universe is apparently a poison, and so I can only speculate that she prefers ignorance.
I really should not need to explain this, but evolution and science are not “atheist ideologies“
You can be your own god. We’re now at a point where science is instructing children that they can just choose their own sex.
Er … no.
Seriously, just no.
Yeah. Talk about not believing your own eyes. Don’t even believe your own body. What do you want? Science can make it happen. And still, people did not believe that we were fighting Satan. They did not believe that this was a devil. They just thought that these were just some human beings that were getting it wrong. Like, there’s no huge plot. There’s no huge conspiracy. You’re a conspiracy theorist if you understand what it is that they are doing, right? The people that are speaking about this are routinely being condemned.
When she says “Like, there’s no huge plot. There’s no huge conspiracy” … I’m thinking, “ooooh she is ever so close“, but alas this conspiracy theorist can’t quite make the leap back to reality.
And I understand why. I totally and completely understand why that is because it takes a lot. It took a lot for me. I had to really commit myself to a long period of research to truly believe that it is plausible that this world is being run by a very small group of elite oligarchs who routinely practice homosexuality and pedophilia and who believe in Baphomet as a deity and who worship a transgender deity.
Wait … this is what she believes after “research”!
Exactly what “research” would that be?
If this was even remotely credible then it would be easy to bring actual evidence to the table.
That’s a lot, actually. Even saying it right now, it’s like, wow, that sounds really crazy.
“sounds really crazy“… indeed yes, and once again she is on the brink of an epiphany moment, but she then ducks to avoid that …
But it’s happening in front of you. And I’m showing you what these people actually believe. I’m pointing you to books that you can read to understand where and when and how this happened, to prove to you that these people have never been out of power and that the elites have always practiced these sexual rituals. They’ve always believed in this. Throughout every modern society and ancient society, we had this battle going on. Now it’s time for you to wake up.
I’m really not convinced she fully grasps what the word “prove” actually means. Hint: it does not mean projecting a stream of whacky claims.
OK, so is she really this disconnected from reality or is something else going on?
30 pieces of silver
This is a bit of a side revelation, but plays into the main one. She comes across as an Evangelical, but hit pause on that. She is in fact now a Catholic Convert. The official Catholic position regarding evolutionary biology is that it is real and that is how God did it. Clearly this is a stance she is rather at odds with. As for her claim that there exists a global organization that is deeply into both enabling and also covering up child sexual predators, well yes, she appears to have found it, and then happily joined it.
But wait, she is only a recent convert, that happened last April.
Why convert?
Easy, she married, Catholic George Farmer, the son of the UK’s Lord Farmer. It feels more about blending and fitting in and not an actual religious conversion.
So why does she come out with the stuff she does?
I’m not actually convinced that she actually believes any of it, but instead, like her Catholic “conversion” she is playing a role. As a YouTube personality with 2.21 million subscribers, she needs to keep churning out crazy wild stuff that will keep her subscribers entertained and coming back for more on a daily basis. As long as she can sustain that, the result will be a very lucrative on-going stream of income.
This, I suggest, is not really a story about her being “crazy” or “deranged” or “delusional”, or … well you get the idea, and can inject many other rather stronger terms I suspect.
Instead, it is actually about greed being coupled with a social media platform that has a business model that is designed to nurture disinformation by granting a financial incentive to willing grifters to create content that is weird and wild enough to attract deeply gullible people.
So when did she start on YouTube and discover this steam of income?
It was 2017 when she was just 27. I can only speculate that it played a role in her sudden “conversion” to the extreme right. Once she discovered that a YouTube gold mine existed for those willing to toss aside all moral scruples and churn out nonsense then … well, the rest is history, and so here we are with her pandering to the deeply weird and deeply gullible demographic that is willing to buy into such nonsense.
I’ll use this next quote to finish with. It feels rather apt here …
“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.”
Charles Darwin – The Descent of Man (1871)