Cult of Fools Weekly (Sep 29, 2024) – “Trump Solutions”

(Side Note: We are publishing a little early this week because we are all off to a big wedding, if anything big happens we will cover it next week)

It is perhaps traditional for some politicians to promise free ice-cream and puppies for absolutely everybody as Election Day looms, but when it comes to Trump … well, not so much.

Here are a few highlights of some of his promises from a recent rally …

I’m going to Close the Dept of Education” … says the guy who just loves ignorant people (Yes, it’s not an urban legend, he really has said he just loves the ignorant) …

  • The guy who ran the failed and unaccredited “Trump University” which literally scammed students out of money, thinks closing the Department of Education is a “solution” for improving education (This is a Project 2025 idea)
  • Meanwhile, his claim that the US ranks 40th is BS, the US ranks as No.1 by some measures, and within the top 5 by others.

Scammers got a mention from him, and the problem is that if they took his guidance then Fox would not have anything left to air…

He had some very sensible guidance for JD Vance’s wife …

He has also of course been tapping into the raging xenophobia against a community of legal immigrants who have greatly contributed to Springfield. Remember that this all rage against them comes from an utterly false claim that this liar and deceiver promoted on a national scale…

Perhaps the best way to finish here is to quote somebody well-known to pass judgement on Trump…

America’s Hitler” – JD (For those unaware, yes, he rather famously took that stance at one point)

The Cult of Trump

Let’s now see what the Cult of Trump has been up to this past week.

Trump Jnr claimed that Trump…just has too much empathy and kindness!” …

  • In next week’s campaign update, Jnr will be explaining that his father was the original Beatle’s drummer.

The speaker of the house is now onboard with Trump being the chosen one of God…

  • God is going to be very disappointed in November.
  • It’s also a cautionary tale. You really don’t want to be paying any attention to people who are hearing voices in their heads.

Next up is Glenn Beck. He did a really weird segment on “How to DEPROGRAM your friends from the anti-Trump CULT” and yes, he doesn’t seem to realize that every characteristic he listed applies directly to members of the Cult of Trump.

Consider the following and then ponder over who best fits the “cult” pattern …

As for who is in this cult, when I saw this I thought “yep” …

Donald The Grifter continues to be a “Financial Guru”

Lots of his cult members jumped in and bought because they embraced the myth that he was a financial genius. Now we all get a bit of Schadenfreude over the catastrophic implosion of Trump Media stock. It was obvious from day one because there has never been any viable path for Trump Media to ever be profitable …

Christian Nationalism

The Courage Tour was rolling into Pennsylvania this past week. It demonstrates the de facto merger between the authoritarian MAGA movement and dominionist Christian nationalists; both are hoping to turn out enough of the right voters to give Trump a second term.

  • In essence, an attempt at a power grab via religion by grifters and fraudsters.
  • RWW has done a story on it here.
  • For a far deeper take on this Journalist Anne Nelson, who is recipient of the Livingston Award for journalism and a Guggenheim Fellowship for historical research, wrote “God and QR Codes” in the Washington Spectator a while back. It’s a fascinating long insight into it all, how they operate, and what really goes on.

Am I making it up when I write about a merger between MAGA and Christian Nationalism?

Nope, not at all, it all gained an official endorsement of the Trump Campaign this past week …

  • Commentator Andrew L Seidel:Hugely significant. Many political experts are wondering at the lack of ground game and GOTV efforts by the Trump campaign. It’s because they’re outsourcing that to PACs (which has been reported) but also to Christian Nationalists: their churches and parachurch orgs (unreported).
  • It really is also deeply bizarre. People need to understand what kinds of far-right Christian extremists Vance is cozying up to (Trump is already their snuggle bear). This is just one more step for the integration of Christian supremacy & anti-democratic mobilization into the Republican mainstream.

Oklahoma’s Christian nationalist state Sen. Dusty Deevers claims that Kamala Harris voters are “wicked, murderous people” who are “demon possessed.”

  • Ah yes, Dusty Deevers, no intellect, no ability to think at all, just empty meaningless dogma and fear is all he has, and is utterly bereft of any actual substance. He is an elected representative in Oklahoma.
  • There is a demographic that takes what he says as factual. The rest of us, the normal ones, simply roll our eyes and laugh at him, and them … which would no doubt result in him labelling that as more “evidence” of demons.
  • Fact Check: Demons don’t exist, it is simply superstitious nonsense.

Eric Adams

This just happened this past week to the Mayor of NYC …

So here is how this works …

If you are thinking “who” … well yes, there is a bit of a history with this guy being seriously nuts. The following analysis beautifully nails it …

Astonishing Stupidity

The Tennessee Holler called out Elon on his BS. His “Study” that he cites is not the evidence of bias that Elon thinks it is, some academics lean that way because they know the alternative is utter lunacy …

  • Hey Elon, according to this the overwhelming majority of smart, educated, discerning, thoughtful and informed people who can think for themselves and make up their own minds are Democrats, why do you think that is?
  • Reality Check: It is actually a deeply flawed poll. It was conducted by a right-wing professor, funded by a right-wing foundation, and designed to make schools seem more liberal than they really are. He also cherry-picked the schools that he surveyed and omitted independents from the graphs. (details here)

Mark Robinson Update

So yes, this happened …

Link to WRAL News: Robinson rejected offers of tech help to investigate posts on porn site, sources say … “Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s alleged rejection of the offers sowed doubt among some staff members, people familiar with the matter tell WRAL. His response in the wake of the report likely played a role in the exodus of members of his gubernatorial campaign staff, they said.

Kicking Haitians continues to be a National Republican Sport for some

The moment Trump and Vance promoted the lie, it became inevitable that others such as Clay Higgins would also be joining in …

Twits on Twitter

Can twitter possibly get any worse?

Sure it can …

  • I’d speculate that Elon demanded this because he was pissed about millions having him blocked. He may also want all blocks removed just prior to the election so that he can crank up the flow of fictitious bullshit to try and swing it for the guy who will give him a big tax break and a position in a new admin.
  • It’s also about $$$ in the sense that right now everybody blocks the shitty scam ads and he needs to stop those blocks to get the views and $$$ up.
  • The obvious impact is that it will end up driving many more people away.
  • It also breaks IOS and Google app store policies. Will they have the courage to pull the app when they spot this?

The criminalisation of a Miscarriage in Red States

So this happened …

The False Profit$

Trump-loving evangelist Mario Murillo claims to have received a word from God that Kamala Harris is “a daughter of lies” and that the nation will not survive if she becomes president: “We will not come back from this.

  • In one sense he is actually correct. When she wins, then all the grifters and fraudsters such as him who have been promising a Trump win because God has supposedly declared it to them, will have been revealed to be liars (again). They really will not come back from that.

Meanwhile, Kat Kerr is being her usual totally nutty self …

  • The fantasy that Disney is all about is just not on par with the degree of fantasy that she claims is happening at Disney, it’s an entirely deeper level.
  • You do have to also seriously wonder if she is running some sort of national gullibility test.

Weirdest of the Weird

He was trying to crack a joke …

  • How dare women who can’t get pregnant care about abortion“… says a Republican man who can’t get pregnant, so using his “logic”, why should he be allowed to care about abortion?
  • This Republican candidate comes across as a sleazy car dealer who would screw over his own employees. Perhaps that’s because that ‘s exactly who he is and what he did.
  • Somebody needs to explain to him that the reason women over 50 support reproductive rights is because they care about their daughters, granddaughters, daughter-in-laws, nieces, younger sisters, friends, co-workers, and neighbors health, well being, and bodily autonomy.
  • What is also rather revealing is that he can’t conceive of anyone operating out of anything other than self-interest.
  • Ironically, he is also one of those immigrants that his beloved leader is banging on about deporting all the time.

Mike Lindell insists that the $14.88 sale price for his product was just a coincidence and not a Nazi dog whistle. Of course, Lindell’s defense might be more believable if his company didn’t have a history of teaming up with people like antisemitic white nationalist Holocaust-denier Vincent James.

  • If you are thinking 14.88 ??? … a quick google takes you to a Wikipedia page that explains the symbolism. It is apparently a recognised rallying cry for militant white nationalists internationally. If like me you did not know that, then I guess that’s a rather good badge of honour.
  • 88 on its own is not odd. Neither is 14. But when you choose 14.88 to be the price out of the infinite other options, it is worth questioning at the very least, and so it is credible that Lindell may be a Nazi fan sending a bat signal. However, it is also possible that it was not him but a staff member who leans that way that did it.

Joshua Feuerstein claims that Trump’s campaign called him up because Trump wants a photo-op with “influential leaders” like him.

  • I’m thinking “things that never happened” on this one.

KrisAnne Hall declares that the American population is deeply polarized “because the Democrat Party has become full-on communist.

  • KrisAnne Hall has literally no clue what the word “communist” actually means … but hey, it’s Trump propaganda via an outlet run by some religious grifters, so of course they duck the rather glaring orange elephant in the room when it comes to explaining where all the polarisation came from.

Christian Fanatic Ben Zeisloft wants to see public executions.

  • To be clear, he is not just pro death penalty, but also wants it done in the public square to maximise fear … just like Republican Jesus would want.

Right-wing MAGA pastor Jack Hibbs says that politics is a religion for Democrats and a pagan one at that: “It’s perverse, coming from perverts … These are those who are reprobates.”

  • This … coming from the people who literally worship Trump, a fraudster and convicted sexual assaulter, as the chosen one of God, and are literally promoting their politics from the pulpit … is projection on a truly off-the-charts scale.
  • Also … somebody needs to have a word with Jack about Mark Robinson, a literal pervert, and remind him of which team he plays for.

Here is a nice picture put out by Republican candidate Derrick Anderson … one tiny flaw … that’s not his wife, and those are not his kids. He is not married and does not have kids, but since he needed to look like a family guy he simply borrowed some from a friend to look good …

So there was a claim by RFK Jnr that a lot was spent to make him look bad. Nope, not a single dollar was needed, all you need to do to achieve that is to just quote what he says…

Cartoons of the week

Clay Bennett …

Clay Jones …

Mike Luckovich …

Nick Anderson

Clay Bennett

Matt Wuerker …


It’s probably no longer a shock to discover the double standards that some people have …

Not at all bothered when Trump lies …

Votes for Mark Robinson?

… and yet some are still willing for Vote for Mark Robinson no matter what he says or does (hint: It really is a cult, we may need to spend billions deprogramming all these people) …

… and some don’t care if they get their vote taken away …

When they ask about Taylor Swift at a Trump rally … well you know what “Dear Leader” said, so you can guess the rest …

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