Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook can’t be the arbiter of truth. He has decided that he will allow false political ads and propaganda to run on the site. Money talks, truth walks
It is almost universally true that truth matters. Think of anything familiar and consider the consequences of what would happen if the wingnut policy of “alternative truth” prevailed …
- Medicine: If you were diagnosed by a guy who simply made up an illness to explain your symptoms because it felt right then how would you feel about that?
- Civil Engineering: The guy who designed a bridge did no calculations, he simply made the numbers up. You are invited to be the first to drive across. Are you willing to do so?
- Law: You have been accused of a crime. The witnesses are simply making stuff up. You are OK with this .. right?
Shift to modern right-wing politics, and suddenly truth no longer matters. Instead the end justifies the means. Many currently find this acceptable and knowingly promote fake claims.
I don’t find this acceptable, and regardless of your political leanings, neither should you.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here is this week’s selection of gems that has been mined from the befuddled stream of proclamations …
The Cult of Trump …
- Bill Mitchell says that the “most brilliant thing Trump has ever done is convincing the #Media he is an idiot.”
- (That actually required no effort on his part at all).
- Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit claims in a typo-riddled article that at recent rallies Donald Trump has offered “various hints that the Deep State may soon soon face justice.” The hints include Hoft’s perception that Trump was “very calm” at those rallies.
- (For context – The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes)
- Todd Starnes argues that Christians must vote for President Donald Trump in 2020 because …“a leftist mob made up of socialist politicians, academic elites, raging feminists and basement-dwelling pajama boys has partnered with antifa, illegal aliens and other radical groups to finish what President Obama started—a fundamental transformation of our nation.”
The Impeachment fan club …
For these folks actual evidence is “fake news”, and what resides behind it all is a nefarious conspiracy. Basically paranoia on steroids …
- Sebastian Gorka: Conspiracy to Topple Trump ‘Makes Watergate Look Like a Non-Event’ … “witnessing a secret intelligence community operation to undermine President Donald Trump “
- Rick Wiles: ‘There Is Going to Be Violence in America’ if Trump is Removed From Office
- Eric Metaxas: ‘It’s the End of America’ if Investigations Against Trump Don’t Stop
- Rick Joyner says the impeachment inquiry against Trump is unconstitutional and that the imposition of martial law may be necessary … “to get us back on the rails.”
- Day Gardner proclaims that … “when it comes to the constant attacks by zombie-like media who are in lock step with Democrats and the impeachment probe, I must agree, President Trump is right, America is witnessing a lynching, albeit a very public, political one.”
- With Trump Facing Possible Impeachment, Pseud-Historian David Barton Suddenly Changes his Tune
The folks who see Demons everywhere …
If you truly believe that your imaginary friend is real, then it is not a huge leap to embrace the idea that an imaginary enemy with imaginary supernatural powers is also real …
- Chris McDonald: Rep. Adam Schiff Is ‘a High-Ranking Satanist’ Who Practices Human Sacrifice … “There is a demonic anointing on people like that.” “Demonic power is gained through sacrifice,” Wilson agreed. “Human sacrifice.”
- Dave Kubal explains why evangelicals continue to support Trump: … “When I see clear demonic activity—arbitrary distortions of processes, illegal leaking of information, and known evil sources being utilized—my discernment tells me this activity is a demonic attack on someone being used to accomplish God’s purposes. The watchman watches for God’s activity, and also the enemy’s.”
- Perry Stone declares that …. “when the most wicked and perverse people on earth are fighting now with demonic power to stop the president, those who know the Bible and understanding spiritual warfare should discern that something is occurring in the spirit world, that has the enemy on edge.”
- Trump’s Prayer Warriors Mobilize ‘Spiritual Warfare’ to Combat ‘Occultic Activity’ Against Trump … “Spells and hexes. Curses and binding. Witches, warlocks, occultists, and resisters of President Trump are focusing their negative energy and spiritual power toward President Trump right now. Monthly rituals have been taking place since the beginning of his presidency. Now, all who call on the name of the enemy are actively ramping up their efforts and coordination in this heightened time of occult activity for a week of binding beginning the evening of October 25.“
- Linda Harvey warns that … “gender-benders’ public readings and sexualized performances are often influenced by an otherworldly realm. It turns out that many ‘drag’ identifiers follow paganism, witchcraft, or Satanism. They don’t even try to hide this close connection.”
- Jim Bakker and Rick Joyner agree that efforts to impeach Trump are satanic and treasonous.
History Rewritten …
Abortion “Solutions” …
(He was actually attempting to argue against common sense gun control … and failed to do so in a rather dramatic manner)
Homophobia …
- Dave Daubenmire: ‘We Need to Make Homosexuality Unthinkable Again’
- For Dave the “unthinkable” appears to be something he spends rather a lot of time thinking about.
- No really … all the time. This also popped up that last week … Dave Daubenmire: ‘Yes, I Am Homophobic’
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- 31% of White Evangelicals Say They’ll Support Trump No Matter What He Does
- (If they currently support him, then yes, we all already know this)
- Christian Mom: To Avoid Domestic Abuse, Wives Shouldn’t Be So “Quarrelsome”
- Tennessee Official Slams Democrats for Having a “Queer Running for President”
- Christian Author: Democrats Are Obsessed with Talking About LGBTQ Issues
- (Actually, it is the anti-LGBTQ bigots who are spending all their time obsessing about it)
- Pat Robertson Was Thrown By a Question About How We’re Not a “Christian Nation”
- CO Attorney General: 43 Catholic Priests Sexually Abused 166 Kids Since 1950
- Ignorant Hate-Preacher Burns Book That Says We’re Not a “Christian Nation”
- For this guy Fahrenheit 451 is apparently an instruction manual.
- The funds the author received from the book purchase will no doubt enable lots more copies to be printed.
- Christian Moms Group Slams Period-Proof Underwear Ad: “Men Do Not Menstruate”
- MLB Umpire Who Will Shoot People if Trump is Impeached Runs a Christian Ministry
- Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission Member Slammed Over Anti-LGBTQ Comments
- Kesha is a Wealthy Televangelist With a Secret Life in Her “Raising Hell” Video
- Robert Jeffress Said 99% of Evangelicals Oppose Trump’s Impeachment. He’s Lying.
- This Smug Priest Was Just Charged With Three Counts of Child Sex Abuse
- Nearly a Third of American Jews Currently Fear Displaying Their Faith in Public
- KY Official: A Local Día de Muertos Event May Summon Dead People from the Grave
- Pastor Andy Savage, Who Assaulted a Teen Girl, Is Starting a New Church
The “Ready-to-be-Offended” gang focused on something new this week …
- Religious Conservatives Lash Out at Kellogg’s Over “Anti-Christian” Cereal
Imagine seeing the above cereal box and being so obnoxiously intolerant that you think this is Persecution. What it actually reveals is that the supposed “Moral Majority” are really “Immoral shits”.
It is not all doom and gloom
There is also some good stuff out there. Sometimes people do honestly realise that they made a mistake and seek to fix it …
- Pastor Who Voted for Trump in 2016 Now Prays for His Impeachment
Twitter users tweeted back when faced with BS from Rubio…
- Marco Rubio Defends Trump With Biblical Tweets, Gets Roasted On Twitter
Hillary mocked Trump with a very public bible quote …
- Hillary Clinton Biblically Blasted Trump During Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Funeral
… and justice is delivered …
- Priest Who Gambled Away Nearly $1,000,000 Meant For Refugees Given Jail Sentence