Nobel 2018 & 2019 – Literature

Beyond the immediate news of who won the Literature award and why, there is also another question. What the heck happened in 2018 and why are they only now announcing the 2018 winner along with the 2019 winner? It is all a very sordid tale, a drama that includes sexual assault, and rape. One wonders … Read more

Nobel Prize 2019 – Physiology or Medicine

It is once again Nobel prize week, and as is traditional, Medicine kicks the proceedings off. So who has contributed to our understanding and won this year? Press Release details are here … The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 was awarded jointly to … William … Read more

Wingnut Weekly – 6 Oct 2019

So what have we got this week from the Wingnut brigade, is it lot’s of sensible reasonable rational stuff for a change? Nope. Yes indeed, I’ll paint you completely unsurprised. It is the usual batshit insanity; Trump is claimed to be “Christ-like”, Hilary supposedly drinks lots of blood, and Democrats apparently worship the demon god … Read more

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