Is there Life on MARS?

Various media stories have popped up this week concerning a NASA Scientist who worked on the Viking Lander missions back in the 1970s. They report that he asserts that their life detection experiment designed to detect life on MARS was positive and that NASA has simply ignored those results. Examples of such stories include these … Read more

Climate: 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

The UK’s Guardian ran the following revelation on 9th Oct regarding where all the CO2 carbon emissions are coming from … Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers Half a century of dither and denial – … Read more

Wingnut Weekly – 13 Oct 2019

When faced with the various wingnut proclamations then you do have to seriously wonder who they are attempting to communicate with. The gullible and the easily manipulated is the most viable answer. Nobody else can take such ideas seriously. During the past week we have been given the strong suggestion that Trump should execute his … Read more

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