2013 was a good year for humanity … 2014 will be even better

The Spectator has a fascinating article that explains (with facts) why things really are getting better with each passing year, and illustrates why 2013 has in fact been the very best year ever for humanity. Beliefs often promote the opposite claim, and assert how much more evil the world is becoming … end times, wars, … Read more

Shocking News: “Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay”

This is a truly shocking bit of news, I can well imagine religious people doing crazy stuff but this truly takes the biscuit. As reported here, A Southern Carolina couple have made national news by being the first parents to put their child up for adoption due to their sexuality. Usually parents give up their … Read more

Does secularism really matter? Yes, and Turkey today is an example of what can happen if you do not agree.

Lets start be understanding what the term secularism does and does not mean. It does not mean that all religious beliefs should be banned, because unlike many forms of belief that will not tolerate non-belief or other beliefs, secularism is just about the separation of church and state. Why does this matter? Well because the … Read more

Banned from Scouts for being Honest

It is all over the news today, George Pratt (pictured) is an 11-year old who wanted to join the scouts but has been refused membership … the Telegraph explains … An 11-year-old boy has been banned from joining the Scouts because he doesn’t believe in God, despite his Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist peers being offered an … Read more

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