Unleashing change – We can all become skeptics

Bill Davidow, a high-technology industry executive and a venture investor, has written an Opinion piece in todays “Christian Science Monitor”. In it he suggests that the Internet will change our physical space in quite a dramatic way … Today, an even bigger change is afoot. The Internet is about to change our physical space. And … Read more

Beautiful science

The BBC has an Audio slide show you might like to check out. Colourful and visually stunning – but also important in our understanding of scientific advances – the winners of this year’s Wellcome Image Awards range from a close up look at a bloody sticking-plaster, to the striking shades of a ruby-tailed wasp viewed … Read more

Bill Nye Says Nay To Anti-Evolution

The following article comes from The National Center for Science Education. In it Bill Nye, The Science Guy, has a few words to say about Creationism, here it is … Prompted by Michael B. Berkman and Eric Plutzer’s recent column in Science deploring “a pervasive reluctance of teachers to forthrightly explain evolutionary biology,” Popular Mechanics … Read more

The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information

A study appearing Feb. 10 in Science Express calculates the world’s total technological capacity to store, communicate and compute information, part of a Special Online Collection: Dealing with Data. The study by the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism estimates that in 2007, humankind was able to store 2.9 × 1020 optimally compressed bytes, communicate … Read more

Meta-knowledge and the Internet

We all know what “Knowledge” is, but to ensure we are on the same page, it is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as

(i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject;

(ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information; or

(iii) be absolutely certain or sure about something.

Of course, we can also sum it all up using Plato’s formulation of knowledge as “justified true belief.” So what is “Meta-Knowledge”? Well, think of it as knowledge about knowledge. To clarify, let me run an example by you, Mr Smith lives at No1 High Street – thats ‘data’. I can also step up a level and define the attributes of that data, as Name and Address – thats called “meta-data”, or to put it more simply, its data that describes the data. So Meta-Knowledge is simply knowledge that is knowledge about knowledge.

So why am I babbling on about all this? Well, because the University of Chicago has issued a press-release on the topic that starts out like this …

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Thomas Edison … did not invent the light bulb.

As I clicked into Google today, I could not fail to notice that they are celebrating Thomas Edison’s 164th Birthday. You can see the image here, its chock full of many things that he invented such as the light bulb and other devices.

So I followed some links and did a bit of reading, and as a result made a rather surprising discovery – Edison did not invent the light bulb – well perhaps you knew, and I’m the only one. After being surprised like this, I did a quick straw poll asking “Who invented the light bulk?”. The answer from all was, “Edison”.

Now what really surprised me is that while he did not invent it,  he claimed that he did, but if it was not him, then who?. It was apparently a chap called Joseph Swan.

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