Anti-Gay bakers – the mythology and the facts

Often associated with a controversial issue is a narrative that is not wholly factual, but instead panders to a specific stance, and is popularised because it helps to protect an irrational position. There is also a full conversation, one that includes all the facts, and unless you are familiar with that full conversation then there is … Read more

Daft Claim: “Equality Will Destroy Moral Foundation Of The World”

In a truly bizarre twist, Rick Santorum, the self-appointed representative of the folks who claim to hold the high moral ground, is claiming that equality will destroy the moral foundation of the world. Over in the HuffPo we learn this as follows … During an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Santorum doubled down on earlier … Read more

Islamism – The fascism of our age

You would think that looking back in history we would have learned a lesson from the horrendously high body count that fanatical fascism yielded, but apparently the only lesson we learn from history is that sometimes we really don’t learn from history – today fascism is alive and well and thriving. Perhaps we don’t recognise … Read more

Icelandic pirates repeal blasphemy laws

The title of this posting sounds like a B movie plot, but strangely enough it is wholly factual. Up until this happened, Iceland has had a Blasphemy law … Art. 125 Anyone officially ridiculing or insulting the dogmas or worship of a lawfully existing religious community in this Country shall be subject to fines or [imprisonment … Read more

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