FBI have asked the elderly to stop knocking Oregon militants on their ass

The title says it all, and yes, I confess that I did indeed quite enjoy reading this. The story is about Robert Saunders, a 79 year old retied teacher and devoted birdwatcher, who was out checking on some owls. While doing so he was confronted by an armed Oregon militant who quickly got in his face and … Read more

Saudi Arabia vs Iran

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is a very old proverb and suggests that anybody who opposes those you also oppose is somebody you can work with, oh and much to the surprise of some, this is a concept that is first recorded within a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft dating to around the 4th century BC. If … Read more

No freedom to be a Muslim in Pakistan

A very basic human right is enshrined within the UN’s declaration of Human rights, Article 18 reads … Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest … Read more

Is the Prosperity gospel fraud?

In the age of google those that promote weird or bizarre claims are being challenged as never before because we no longer have to simply accept their word, we can look it up, and this is especially true of the Prosperity gospel. Justifying the Prosperity gospel As I’m sure you are aware, at least I hope … Read more

Is Jesus a myth or did he really exist?

It is perhaps common within some non-religious circles to roll with the idea that Jesus was just a myth and never existed, however I do have serious doubts about that, so I’m putting my thoughts down to see what others might think. It is a fringe idea As a bit of context, about 99.99% of biblical … Read more

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