Were the 9/11 Hijackers evil men?

The immediate and perhaps most intuitive answer is to suggest “yes”, the 9/11 Hijackers were indeed evil, and to say so without any hesitation. After all, how could anybody not evil sacrifice their life for the pursuit of the mass murder of thousands of innocent people. But it is just not that simple. To label … Read more

The Public Flogging of Raif Badawi is set to resume – #FreeRaif

Ensaf Haidar, the wife of the unjustly imprisoned Raif Badawi, has issued a statement in which she reports that his flogging is set to resume … I was informed by an informed source, that the Saudi authorities have given the green light to the resumption of Raif Badawi’s flogging. The informed source also said that the … Read more

Dialogue with an Ahmadi Muslim who wants to work with Atheists

On Facebook the claim above pops up from Kashif, a Muslim who is a member of the Ahmadiyya sect and so generally takes a non-violent stance. The above posting has rather a lot of problems, specifically the rather obvious – nobody actually declares all 1.6 billion Muslims to be violent terrorist thugs. This form of argument is what … Read more

Censorship of @MaryamNamazie at the @Guardian

Maryam Namazie, like many of us, was quite frankly appalled with David Shariatmadari’s apologetics for Islamism that was recently published on 2nd Oct in the UKs Guardian, so she contacted them and demanded a right of reply. She was very much the target of his article, was named within it, and so it was wholly appropriate that … Read more

Dialogues with “Moderate” Muslims

There was a recent discussion on CNN recently between Sam Harris and Islamic “moderate”, Dean Obeidallah. Here is that actual clip, it runs for about 10 minutes. The context is the prevailing issues regarding the very negative attitudes of many towards Islam, and of course this dialogue was triggered by Ben Carson’s declaration that a Muslim could … Read more

Claim: A Muslim destroys the New Atheism with clear simple logic

There is a YouTube clip that is a great example of fatally flawed “thinking”, and the claim presented is that they have clear simple logic that supposedly destroys new atheism. Side note … it is curious that they use the term “New Atheism”, so should we conclude that their argument does not hold true for “old” atheism? … Read more

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