More on the response to “Innocence of Muslims” … is it just a bit of bad press?

I’d like to spend a bit of time looking at a couple of examples of the lunatic fringe that is actively promoting a pro-violence stance. But first, let’s be totally clear, these individuals do not represent the majority of Muslims who are generally decent honourable people and are content to ignore all the fuss. Time has passed … Read more

What is acceptable Islamic Criticism?

For those of you that have been on MARS, let me explain the background (oh and also welcome back to planet Earth). As reported within the Islamic world … ‘Islam is a cancer’, says United States (US) filmmaker Sam Bacile, the man responsible for sparking outrage amongst the Muslims of the Middle East. The 13 minute … Read more

Murder is not a form of protest

Today we learn the tragic news of the murder of Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador in Lybia. The BBC reports … Unidentified armed men stormed the grounds on Tuesday night in a protest over a US-produced film that is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad. They shot at buildings and threw handmade bombs into the … Read more

Blasphemy laws are not being abused, blasphemy laws are an abuse

Having thought I was done, I’m now once again back on the topic of Blasphemy in Pakistan. There is an article in Today’s “The News”, A Pakistani on-line paper, that rather bizarrely claims … Rimsha case speaks volume of the failure and inefficiency of the Islamabad police but its latest turns and twists have made … Read more

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