Claim: “Proof that God is Real” from Zakir Naik … er no, not really.

Zakir Naik

I was presented with some “Proof that God is real” by a Muslim eager to convert me. So what did this “proof” consist of? If was a YouTube clip by a well-known Islamic apologist called Dr. Zakir Naik. If you are familiar with him, then this is the point at which you face-palm, because this guy … Read more

“Atheist Muslim” – Is that as meaningless as “meat-eating vegetarian”?

Ali A. Rizvi, the Pakistani-Canadian writer, physician, and musician who resides in Toronto, has been writing in the HuffPo once again. Not too long ago he wrote a great article about the term “Islamophobia” where he drew a clear line between criticism of Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry: the first is fact-based criticism of bad ideas, … Read more

An Atheist Muslim’s Perspective on the ‘Root Causes’ of Islamist Jihadism and the Politics of Islamophobia

Ali A. Rizvi, a Pakistani-Canadian writer, physician and musician, has a common-sense article in the Huffington Post today (yikes … did I just put “common sense” and “Huffington Post” in the same sentence!). Anyway, regardless of where it comes from, it is a really good article and is bursting and overflowing with some truly fabulous sound-bites. First, … Read more

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