UK to launch “Islamic” Bonds

The UK’s Financial times and also the Wall Street Journal have announced that the UK is to start selling “Islamic” bonds. “This government wants Britain to become the first Western sovereign to issue an Islamic bond,” Prime Minister David Cameron is expected to say in a speech at the World Islamic Economic Forum in London on Tuesday. … Read more

Muslim groups in India want minimum marital age scrapped

Why or why is it always Islam that appears to be determined to drag everybody back into the stone age. India Today reports … Kerala’s nine prominent Muslim organisations led by the Muslim League have decided to approach the Supreme Court to exclude Muslim women from the law prescribing minimum marital age. According to them, … Read more

State Funded Islamic Free Schools in the UK are a complete disaster

As reported by the National Secular Society, there have been more revelations regarding the bizarre ethos that pervades the Islamic Free school in the UK city of Derby … As previously reported, concerns have been raised that female staff are being forced to wear head coverings, even if they aren’t Muslim. However, it has now … Read more

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