Chap claims that he left US due to hatred of Muslims

Kashif Chaudhry, a graduate of King Edward Medical University in Lahore and Mt Sinai University Hospital in New York, has written an article entitled “I left the US because of their hatred towards Muslims… this is my story“, in The Express Tribune, a major daily English-language newspaper in Pakistan. A well-educated chap taking about US … Read more

Channel4News censored a cartoon in fear of causing ‘offense’

Carrying on from yesterday where I wrote about British Muslim Maajid Nawaz getting death threats in response to tweeting a Jesus & Mo picture and explaining that he was not offended by it, would you now believe that Channel4News did a report on it, and in the process they actually censored the Jesus & Mo cartoon in fear of … Read more

The Origin of the Universe … another “Allah did it” claim.

It appears to be a rather common and very persistent religious belief. Today’s example comes from a young chap called Razeem Naushad, who has popped up and with a bit of a swagger, is attempting to make an “Allah” claim as follows … Haha…when I hv added to this group I saw a question asking me … Read more

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