The True evil of Islam Illustrated

If I asked you, or any decent normal human, the question, “Is it OK to murder somebody who does not hold the same beliefs?”, I remain confident that the universal answer would be obvious. In fact, I’d be astonished if anybody would actually suggest it was a great idea …. well … prepare to be astonished, because Islam belief does indeed appear to consider it to be a viable response to valid criticism of utterly insane and delusional beliefs.

Here now is a video clip taken from an interview given by Shaykh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni on the Egyptian satellite television station al-Hikma on 7 July 2011. Now least you wonder, this is no fringe kook, he is a popular Islamic preacher known for spouting nonsense like this.

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Islamic Sex Slaves!!!

I suspect many sites that thrive on the creation of satire must truly struggle when it comes to Islam … not because they fear the death threats, but rather because the actual claims made are so bizarre and morally outrageous, that it is almost impossible to distinguish satire and the real belief. To illustrate what … Read more

The Law and Religion

I’ve two examples to talk about here … both are examples of intolerance, both have a religious theme, and both illustrate the problems you can get tangled up in when you let religious considerations interfere with the legal process. One is an attempt to legislate some support for an irrational belief, and the other is an attempt to legislate against an irrational belief, what they both have in common is that they are an attempt to dictate how individuals should behave.

You can probably guess, but they both involve Islam … gasp!! … what a surprise that is these days.

First up we have the story about driving in Saudi. As I’m sure many of you are aware, it is illegal for woman to drive in Saudi. Ah yes, a real example of how truly progressive Islam can be when granted a free reign. In fact, its not just a driving issue, this is Islamic Sharia law in full swing; woman cannot vote, cannot be elected, and can never be independent because it is mandated that they must have a male guardian … In essence, woman are most or less a subservient class of slaves with no rights, and its the law because the clerics say so. (and I’ve not even mentioned the mandatory dress code, or that in public men and woman are completely segregated).Make no mistake, “It’s the culture, not the religion,” is a Saudi saying, but that claim is complete bollocks, its the clerics who impose these rules.

To read more about the complete lack of rights for woman in Saudi, you can click here.

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Islamic Cleric – “When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her.”

Not too long ago I blogged about a crazy Egyptian Islamic Cleric, Shaykh Abi-Ishaq al-Huwayni, who suggested that Muslims who were short of cash should go on a raid and sell any prisoners taken in the market.

As you might imagine, it caused a bit of a stir (his comments made it into the Egyptian press), so he was interviewed over the phone by a TV station and asked to explain himself. At first he appeared to back off a bit and suggested that his words had been taken out of context, but then he proceeds to put it into a 7th Century setting. What is astonishing is that his explanation is even more outrageous and utterly offensive to any normal sane human.

Here we do indeed have an individual, who is not just out of time from another century, but has had his sense of morality so utterly fucked up by religion, that he appears to be from another millennium.

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PZ on YouTube – Confrontation and Education

PZ is well-known, and also well worth listening to, not just because he is somebody who can communicate effectively, but also because he actually has something worth listening to, so it was a delight to see him coaxed him out of his academic seclusion for a trip to Ireland and also, on his way back, to a Skeptics In the Pub in Glasgow.

I have two treats for you today. The first is a direct confrontation with some Muslims who stuck a camera under his nose while he was out for a walk, the second is his complete talk at Skeptics in the Pub in Glasgow.

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Need Money? – Go Rape, pillage and plunder

We are all aware that there are clerics who have jumped on HMS Delusional and left the shores of reality far behind, but every now and then one comes along who is pushing out further into the unexplored territory of utter stupidity. It is usually the Islamic ones who do this, as in this latest example, but I have no specific Islamic bias here; if you scan across the entire belief spectrum, you will, without looking too hard, find numerous examples.

So what have we got then?

(warning: put you coffee down now, or it will end up splatted across your screen)

We have prominent Egyptian Salafi Shaykh Abi-Ishaq al-Huwayni who suggests that Muslims who have a few financial difficulties should go on jihadist raids a few times a year, and bring back prisoners, including women and children, which can be sold in the market like groceries to bring in extra income when times are tough …

<insert stunned silence here>

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