20 years, 700 victims: Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse

Last Sunday 10th Feb 2019 the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News dropped a bombshell. They have published a very comprehensive report into the sexual abuse within the congregations of the Southern baptist convention. Brief Summary The shocking Revelation … In all, since 1998, roughly 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct, … Read more

Weekly World Religious News

Abuse is the theme this week. Over and over, stories of religious abuse emerge. People in positions of trust continue to abuse such positions and often the religious response is to cover it all up and pretend it has not happened. During the past seven days the following tragic stories have emerged. Item 1 – Pastor … Read more

Extensions to #MeToo brings us #ChurchToo

You are hopefully familiar with the #MeToo twitter tag. Just over a month ago it went viral as a very public grassroot shout to denounce sexual assault and harassment. It was triggered by the very public accusations against Harvey Weinstein. Literally million of people used it to come forward and so the scale of abuse and harassment … Read more

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