(News Today) – Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can not only be treated, but can now be cured. You need never actually have it; provided that you adopt a sensible lifestyle of good diet and exercise then you are never going to suffer the condition, barring extremely bad luck in your genes. Similarly, if you are headed down the path … Read more

Weeping in utter frustration – anti-evolution bills on the NH legislative agenda!!!

The National Centre for Science Educaion reports … Antievolution bills are on the horizon in New Hampshire. Included on a list (PDF) of legislative service requests dated June 14, 2011, are two requests to have antievolution bills drafted for the 2012 legislative session. LSR 2012-H-2176-R, submitted by Jerry Bergevin (R-District 17), asks for a bill … Read more

(Poll) – Which are the very best Skeptical Podcasts?

Its time for the skeptical Podcast vote. Below you will find a list of specifically skeptical podcasts, or simply other podcasts that have a skeptical theme to them as suggested by a wide array of folks (BTW … thanks).

When making your choice:

  • You don’t just get one vote, instead, you can pick as many as you wish
  • Please don’t tick random boxes, instead pick the podcasts you have really enjoyed and would recommend to others

The goal here is a bit of crowd-sourcing to enable folks to suss out what is truly popular.

Personally, I find podcasts to be of immense value, especially on a daily basis when I’m in transit to/from work, and like everybody, I have my favorites (sorry, no names now, I’ve no wish to influence the vote). If you have not yet made the leap, then why not consider trying out a few, it truly is a cool way to keep your finger on the skeptical pulse. Hopefully the results from the poll below will help you to pick out the truly cool stuff.

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Naming New Elements

We have two new elements in the periodic table, 114 and 116. The details are in the Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry here. Both are highly radioactive and exist for less than a second before decaying into lighter atoms, so blink and you will indeed miss them. This has been on the cards for some time now, and have been submitted for inclusion along with claims for 113, 115 , and 118. Well, 114 and 116 just made it.

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More catholic Abuse – the coverup continues

We have yet another story about Catholic abuse and an associated cover-up. The tragedy here is that this is now so common, it is almost non-news. A BBC documentary, “Abused: Breaking the Silence”, will air tonight (BBC1 at 10:35 21st June) and reveal all the sordid details. It concerns the antics of Fr Kit Cunningham, the jovial parish priest of St Ethedreda’s church and for many years unofficial padre to Fleet Street. When he was a young missionary in Africa he committed the most disgusting paedophile crimes – he sexually assaulted prep school boys at the order’s school in Soli, Tanzania

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More Information = More Rationality

There is an interesting news story today about the deal that Google has reached with the British Library. The BBC reports …

Thousands of pages from one of the world’s biggest collections of historic books, pamphlets and periodicals are to be made available on the Internet.

You can read the full story here.

This is a good thing and also is very much in keeping with the very reason for the existence of the library itself. The very concept of a library is to provide access to knowledge for everyone. However, beyond that, it is also (I suggest) one more step towards a more rational culture for us all.

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