Catholic lunacy leads to needless death of pregnant mother in Ireland

The Irish Time reports today on the utterly tragic and completely needless death of Savita Halappanavar. At 17 weeks into her pregnancy she was admitted to hospital with  chronic pain because she was having a miscarriage. There was no chance that the fetus would survive. In excruciating pain, Savita asked for an abortion. The hospital, University Hospital Galway in Ireland, refused. Why? … Read more

Debating Islam on Facebook – The Shallow end vs the Deep end of the pool

There are two specific Facebook groups I’m in that have rather similar names, but are dominated by very different views. One, entitled ATHEISM DEBUNKED BY MUSLIMEEN (their caps not mine) is dominated by various strands of Islamic thought, and rather bizarrely has  a rule against logic and reason. No really, it reads, “Members are requested not to involve in … Read more

Charles Darwin got 4,000 votes in the last US election

Seriously, he really did, it was not simply some chap with the same name, but the well-known author of “On the Origin of Species” and UK Naturalist, Charles Darwin, a non US citizen. Despite having died over 130 years ago he actually did get 4,000 votes in Athens-Clarke County in a congressional race last week, so apparently being dead is … Read more

Religious Superstition vs Science … does it still happen? … sadly yes.

Looking back in history there are clear, very obvious and well-known examples of  confrontation between religious superstition and science, for example Galileo Galilei, arrested and hauled before the inquisition for heresy because he supported the observation that the sun stands still and that it is the earth that moves. Rome might indeed have truly “believed” but … Read more

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