Further Up Yonder

Giacomo Sardelli, an Italian film student, has used Nasa still images to create a film that he calls a message from the ISS to all humankind. He explains here … I wanted to use pictures taken from the International Space Station to tell a story and share the message sent by the astronauts who worked on the … Read more

Bill O’Reilly To Atheist David Silverman: ‘You Are A Fascist!’

First, before we get into the details, who are the players in this little piece of  Shakespearian drama? Bill O’Reilly is the host of the political commentary program The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, which is (so they claim) the most watched cable news television program on American television … and least you wonder, yes Fox News do tend to embrace a … Read more

UK Only: AshTag app launched to prevent spread of devastating tree disease – You can help

A devastating Ash Dieback disease that has already affected millions of trees on the continent and has led to a ban on imports coming into force is rippling into the UK. You can help. Ash dieback, is caused by the fungus Chalara fraxinea, and was last week found in the UK for the first time … Read more

Jesus wept … oh wait, it’s just bad plumbing

Henry McDonald,  a correspondent for the Observer, has been out on a road trip to meet the Indian rationalist Sanal Edamaruku (pictured) who has been threatened with jail for exposing a Catholic fraud. Being a Belfast based correspondent Mr McDonald did not need to travel too far because Sanal had been invited to Ireland to give some talks. Personally, I’m tickled … Read more

“Dear Atheists, Come Back to God” – The Stupid is strong in this one.

Opposing Views is a US website where “experts” debate topics. In this case there is a reason for the scare quotes, the “expert” in question turns out to be “Answers in Genesis”, a bunch of creationist kooks who hold views that are so weird, that other creationists denounce them as “misguided” and assert that this group “deliberately … Read more

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