What is wrong with these people?

I never cease to be astonished that some religious leaders have so immersed themselves in their batty belief that it has effectively immunised them against any basic human decency. To illustrate using example from this year, (and remember, the year is only three fracking days old), here are a couple of examples … Example 1 … Read more

Islamists Murdering Aid Workers

The utter insanity is almost impossible to grasp, but the news is that some religious lunatics started the new year in Pakistan by murdering aid workers. As reported by the New York Times … Continuing a militant campaign of violence against aid workers in Pakistan, gunmen on Tuesday shot dead seven Pakistani teachers and health workers, … Read more

Top 5 Posts for 2012 at Skeptical Science

I do not generally check my blog statistics anymore, that is not why I write. Seeing thousands of hits for a specific posting might craft an illusion of approval or popularity, but perhaps is something that has simply passed into some other community and hit a few of their hot buttons. Anyway, what postings in 2012 generated … Read more

Do you believe in Magic? … a religious cleric claims he does not, and that non-believers do.

Giles Fraser has been writing in the Guardian again, and yes, this is the C of E cleric who was once Cannon of St Paul’s but quit because he stuck to his principles and refused to eject protesters outside the cathedral. Anyway, he is arguing against magic, and uses that term to describe an irrational … Read more

2012 List of Goofy pseudo-science claims from celebrities

At this time every year the charity Sense About Science (SAS) lists the truly daft things that various celebrities have endorsed and embraced during the past year. Amazingly 2012 was different, they were all a very sensible lot and there is nothing to report …. er, sadly no, instead it was exactly what you might expect. So … Read more

Peter Higgs and Richard Dawkins hold different views of the public criticism of daft beliefs

The UK’s Guardian has an article that warrants some additional comment. The primary headline grabbing thrust is that the Higgs boson theorist says he agrees with those who find Dawkins’ approach to dealing with believers ’embarrassing’. “What Dawkins does too often is to concentrate his attack on fundamentalists. But there are many believers who are just … Read more

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