Heaven on Earth: a Journey Through Shari’ah Law by Sadakat Kadri

Nicholas Lezard, a literary critic, has a review of  “Heaven on Earth: a Journey Through Shari’ah Law” which has been written by Sadakat Kadri. It does appear to be interesting (I’ve not read the book, just the review), so I’ll not comment too deeply upon it until I’ve finished reading it myself (then again criticism … Read more

Islam and Non-belief in Egypt

There is an interesting article today in Albawaba (a Jordanian based news and media site that publishes in both english and Arabic). In it a Egyptian parent laments about the effect that the rise of fanatical Islam is having upon the younger generation … apparently they are all turning away and rejecting it … “Son, … Read more

Is the catholic Church at war with the UK Government?

Damian Thompson, Editor of Telegraph Blogs, writes today about the thousand Catholic priests who have signed the letter to The Daily Telegraph arguing that the Government’s gay marriage plans will “severely restrict the ability of Catholics to teach the truth about marriage in their schools” and rejecting promised safeguards as “meaningless“. His conclusion is as … Read more

Climate Change: Being consistently wrong about everything

James Delingpole is a Telegraph columnist who is constantly banging on about climate change being a complete myth. Today, for example, he writes … Now even Pravda admits the ‘global warming’ jig is up It’s Death of Little Nell time again in the field of climate “science.” The New York Times – aka Pravda – has … Read more

State Sponsored Murder in Saudi Arabia

Last Wednesday Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan, was executed in Dawadmi, west of the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh. She had been found guilty of smothering an infant in her care to death in 2007. This was quite frankly an appalling and truly outrageous barbaric act. Why? Well because …. While it is true that Ms Nafeek had confessed to the crime, she later … Read more

If not Mars then perhaps into Orbit?

Yesterday I blogged about the MARS One folks offering one-way tickets for a trip to Mars, and yes I still think it is a hyped up Reality TV show that does not involve anybody actually leaving the planet. Well, I’ve tripped over a similar offer that looks  real. AXE is offering a suborbital space flight … Read more

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