Scientific Studies of Prayer – the good, the bad, and the really really ugly.

Categories for Scientific studies into Prayer Scientific studies for anything, and that includes prayer, can be dividend up into the following three categories: The Good – Proper scientific rigour has been applied, the data sample is reasonable, the precise details have been well written up, and so the results obtained are fully backed by the … Read more

Sometimes even smart people can be truly daft for what are essentially religious reasons

Cristina Odone is a journalist, novelist and broadcaster. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies, and a deputy editor of the New Statesman. That all sounds really impressive, so what’s the problem? What I have choked upon is her latest article in the Telegraph, it is packed full of not … Read more

Egyptian statue moves by itself … is it “possessed” or is it something else?

It has gone a bit viral, a 4000 Year Old Egyptian statue in a Manchester museum in the UK has been reported to be moving on its own, and so now everybody is chipping in with suggestions. OK, so when I say statue, I’m not talking life-size, it is only a 10-inch tall statue of … Read more

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