Human Evolution: Sea Nomads appear to have evolved diving skills

human evolution

Some people can with practise hold their breath for long periods of time and by doing so accomplish some amazing feats of Freediving. That is more about fitness and skill, not human evolution. There is however a new study that points towards some humans actually adapting and evolving over many generations to be able to … Read more

Homeopathy: Treating 4 year old with saliva of a rabid dog

This is a story about homeopathy, or to be a tad more precise, is a story about the deployment of homeopathy that illustrates how the embrace of the idea is not just bizarre but also absurd. Rabid Dogs and Homeopathy The Washington Post reports it as follows … A Canadian naturopath claims she treated a … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News – The Cult of Trump

Each week I throw a spotlight upon news items that qualify as weird religious news. Did people who are religious act with decency, integrity, and honour during the past seven days? Seriously yes, many did, but there were also those who were inspired by what they believe, and so they incarnated and manifested stupidity, intolerance, … Read more

Is the Echo Chamber Idea a myth?

The basic idea should be familiar. Some people consume a very narrow band of information, for example Trump leaning individuals only tuning into Fox news or reading nothing but right-wing sites such as Breitbart. Another scenario is that in a social media context we filter out and remove people who promote ideas we do not … Read more

Study: #GreatBarrierReef at ‘unprecedented’ risk of collapse after major bleaching event

I’ve previously written about the 2016 bleaching event at the great barrier reef back in 2016. The update is that a new paper has just been published in Nature that contains a scientific analysis of what happened. Entitled “Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages“, it explains … Our study bridges the gap between the theory … Read more

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