Bruno and Bob signed up for a predatory conference

predatory conferences

You are perhaps familiar with the concept of predatory science journals. This is where a supposedly peer-reviewed journal will publish scientific articles, but will in reality publish anything as long as you are willing to pay them a high fee. The range of these runs from those that are simply poor quality all the way … Read more

Why are people who once believed rejecting religion?

Pew has just published further insights into the rise of the religiously unaffiliated in the US. Moving beyond the data observation that that there is a growing demographic of “nones” (not religious), then picked a randomly selected group of people who had previously identified as a none and asked them why they chose to not … Read more

July was hottest Month ever recorded in California

Each month the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) issues a climate assessment for the preceding month. July’s has now been issued. A highlight is that California had its hottest July and hottest month on record at 79.7°F, surpassing the previous record set in 1931. This is not a PR exercise on behalf of the … Read more

Weird Religious News – Reality is a far and distant land for some.

I’ll skip my usual preamble for this week’s selection of weird religious news. The degree of the disconnect between reality and the stuff below is so great it leaves me almost speechless. What popped up in the last seven days? Apparently school shootings are caused by abortions. I’m not exactly convinced that this guy has … Read more

Trump, a Subject Matter Expert on Californian Wildfires?

As an established “subject matter expert” on Californian environmental policy and wildfires the idiot-in-chief has been tweeting some guidance to his millions of Russian bot followers concerning the root cause of the Californian Wildfires … Governor Jerry Brown must allow the Free Flow of the vast amounts of water coming from the North and foolishly … Read more

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