Is the Interstellar Object Oumuamua an alien spacecraft?

The bait was offered and various sections of the media rapidly pounced on Oumuamua and devoured it with relish. We are awash with stories such as this … Express: Mysterious interstellar object Oumuamua ‘SENT BY ALIENS’ to survey galaxy – Harvard .. and also the slightly more factually correct variations … Sky News: Cigar-shaped object could be alien spacecraft, … Read more

Cancer Survey – Many people believe quackery works

In the US the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has conducted their second Cancer poll and has just released the results. Side note: The word Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. In other words, ASCO are the subject matter experts. They have a keen interest … Read more

Weekly dose of Weird Religious News

As you scan this week’s weird religious news items it becomes rather clear that the looming midterms has the right-wing religious kicking their rhetoric into overdrive. The essence of it all is that all democrats are supposedly evil incarnate and only voting GOP will bring order back to the universe. You can paint me completely … Read more

New Study: Global Warming is Messing with the Jet Streams

Freak weather has perhaps always been an aspect of weather, and yet the freakiness of the weather is clearly becoming a tad more common. To be specific droughts, floods and heatwaves are becoming more common. Why is it like this? The answer rests with the behaviour of the jet streams. Circling the globe are rivers … Read more

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