The emissions standards “Talks” that never began have ended

emissions standards in california

The news is that the Trump administration has broken off talks with California about emissions standards … The Trump administration … is on track to roll back standards set by President Barack Obama, the White House said Thursday. Er yes, if the White House is a source for anything, almost anything at all, you can … Read more

Trump Picks Climate Denier to Investigate Climate Change

The current US administration does not do honesty, integrity, nor is informed evidence-based decision making on the agenda. Trump’s own personal stance on Climate Change is well-known as one that is robustly founded upon exactly zero credible evidence, hence it should not be a surprise to observe that his various appointments consist of those that … Read more

What does the Commons Facebook report tell us?

The UK Parliament’s cross-party Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee published its final report on Disinformation and ‘fake news’ on Monday of this week, 18th February 2019. It is Titled: Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report While generic in nature regarding the issue of Fake News, it is rather damming regarding specific organisations such as … Read more

New Creationist Book: “Darwin Devolves”

Biochemist Michael Behe of Lehigh University has a new book that will shortly emerge titled “Darwin Devolves”. While it will be a huge hit amongst Creationists, the wider scientific community will simply eye-roll and move on beyond this train wreck. It is not out until the end of the month, yet there has already been … Read more

Weird Religious News – GOP Jesus “Blessed are the Rich and F**k the poor”

That “blessed” blend of right-wing politics and religious belief has given us a truly weird form of entertainment. Each and every week it delivers up a constant stream consisting of the utterly bizarre rantings and ravings of these lunatics. In their eyes, those that advocate compassion for the less fortunate, affordable health care for all, … Read more

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