The NASA #BroomstickChallenge
One of the latest viral Crazes doing the rounds is the #BroomstickChallenge. It is not new, just a rehash of an old egg balancing claim.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
One of the latest viral Crazes doing the rounds is the #BroomstickChallenge. It is not new, just a rehash of an old egg balancing claim.
We now have before and after Satallite images of what happened during the record breaking heatwave in Antarctica between 5-13 Feb
The Guardian reports that as many as 25% of climate related tweets are bots. How can you tell if a twitter account is human or a bot?
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Our CO2 emissions flatlined in 2019. However, it is also revealed that we have produced far more methane than was previously known about.
Nature editorial looks back and also looks forward to the key events of the decade. Key point: The 2020s will be make-or-break