Fact Check: Was June Hottest Month?


Tweets have been circulating on social media declaring that June 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded. For example … So was it? Quick Answer: Nope. Slightly longer answer is this correction from Climatologist Michael E Mann … But how do we know? The alpha source for all of the latest “Hottest” claims comes from … Read more

Analysis of 2.7 billion tweets confirms Echo Chambers on Twitter

First, just for completeness, here is a quick definition. The term “Echo Chamber” is a reference to the idea that people are increasingly being only exposed to the ideas that they agree with, and don’t hear the arguments of those with whom they do not agree. The net effect is that we become more polarised. … Read more

Trolling the right-wing with @arguetron – #bots

I was posting yesterday about how to spot bots. That is perhaps an important skill to develop because we live in an age where bots with a very specific malicious intent are being deployed to deceive and manipulate you by masquerading as a human. They promote extreme ideas, not because it is one that those behind … Read more

Are all your Twitter friends human? #bots and #botnets

You may indeed have Twitter Bots that are following you or that you follow that are openly and transparently bots. These are the  harmless ones run by a piece of software, and exist to provide a useful service. Examples include PoetryBot, CloudVision (A Photo Bot), or simply News Bot to tweet out headlines. Generally nobody has … Read more

Testing Poe’s Law: Can Trump supporters detect BS?

Back in 2005, a chap called Nathan Poe made an observation within an on-line discussion group as follows … Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won’t mistake for the genuine article. This has in turn led to a generic … Read more

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