Neutrinos open new window into universe

As we build better tools to see and observe how things really are our understanding of the universe grows. Multimessenger astronomy now has a new tool within its array of options. What is Multimessenger Astronomy? There are four different ways of detecting things within the universe. These are electromagnetic radiation, gravitational waves, neutrinos, and cosmic rays. The concept … Read more

Abrupt mysterious Climate change – The Younger Dryas

About 14,500 years ago as we began to move out of a cold glacial period and back into a warmer interglacial something mysterious happened. That warming suddenly stopped and we shifted back into a cold glacial climate in the northern half of the planet. In about 11,500 this pause ended and things very abruptly shifted … Read more

What does the Marshmallow Test really tell us?

The Marshmallow Test is all about delayed gratification and the potential impact that can have on our lives. It dates back to the late 1960s when psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a series of tests on very young children. It works like this. The child is presented with a marshmallow on a plate and told something like … Read more

Vending machines for some very smart crows

New Caledonian crows are smart, very very smart. Last January the BBC highlighted a study that illustrated their tool making ability. They were shaping hooks out of plant material that they then used to fish for insets. These were not simply random twigs, but consisted of hooks that were far more efficient. These crows are … Read more

Climate Change: You want me to do what?

When it comes to dealing with Climate Change we perhaps think about big ticket items such as coal fired power stations. On a far smaller scale what exactly can we as individuals do that will really make a difference, if anything? We often strive to recycle, and to also use more efficient lightbulbs, but are … Read more

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