New study links all soda to an early death


There are specific well-defined and also well-known steps that you can take to promote a healthy lifestyle. A new study appears to suggest that an additional one is “don’t drink soda”. You might perhaps be tempted to think that this is about sugar and that diet soda will be just fine. Apparently not. That also … Read more

Great Barrier Reef – Outlook Report 2019

Every five years, an Outlook Report that examines the Great Barrier Reef’s health, pressures, and likely future is published. The latest, the 2019 edition, is now available. It is very grim reading. If you have your finger on the pulse of the Great Barrier Reef then what it reveals will not be a surprise. The Great Barrier … Read more

New Studies: Europe warming faster than expected, Flooding as Expected

I have two new studies to cover today. Both are interesting because they add data to the conversation. One reveals that parts of Europe are warming faster than the models predict, and the other reveals that Europe is flooding exactly as the models predict. Let’s take a quick look at each. Study 1: Detection of … Read more

Should we be worried about Greenland?

Reports of dramatic melt events in Greenland provoke different reactions. Some, (thankfully only a small number), sit back and observe, “It is summer, this is what happens in the summer“. Others respond more dramatically. During the last Democratic debate, long-shot candidate Andrew Yang urged people to move away from the coast because we are already … Read more

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