Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

Each and every week I compose a random sampling of three news items that throw a spotlight upon some religiously inspired lunacy that has popped up during the past seven days. Here is my selection of the top 3 for this week (ending Sun 13th Aug 2017). The individuals highlighted are generally not bad people, … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

In a media context, summer is the UK is often referred to as the silly season, a time when frivolous news stories emerge. Other terms include “slow news season” or “dog days of summer”. Its understandable because people are on vacation and parliaments are in recess, hence the activities that generate a lot of media content … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

After last weeks “Ark Special” posting, I’d be tempted to say something along the lines of this week being a week where these weekly weird religious news posting summaries are now back to normal. There is however one tiny flaw … there is nothing “normal” about much of this. You do of course have to … Read more

Ark Encounter updates – they will finally pay up.

Ark Encounters, the $100 million dollar life-sized replica of Noah’s ark that was constructed in Kentucky by the young-earth creationist organisation Answers in Genesis, is once again demanding a bit of blogging attention. It is all just too bizarre and weird to ignore. First a bit of Background I did an Ark Special a few … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items – Ark Special

This week quite a lot has been happening over in Kentucky at Answers In Genesis, so much so, that I’ll make this week’s selection an Ark Encounter special edition. Pictured above you can see that the highly homophobic organisation has decided to brighten up their life-sized Ark theme park this week with Rainbow colours. Pink … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

The term “weird” is perhaps a relative term. Often ideas that are highly unusual and bizarre will be appropriated culturally and so they become accepted as normal and not weird. Belief often operates as a mini-culture that is distinctly different and so it can and does contain things that our wider society will recognise as … Read more

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