Daft Claim: “Atheists are angry because they secretly know God exists and is judging them”

Yep, Mr Sorbo (pictured above in one of his acting roles) is once again off on one of his rants. Least you wonder, the actor Kevin Sorbo, has been getting a bit of a reputation as a complete kook due to his recent spate of outbursts against people who dare to not actually believe in a god. … Read more

Christian Love in action: “Send people to jail for being gay”

Christianity claims to hold the high moral ground, and those inside the belief truly believe this idea. I should know, I once lived inside an assortment of belief bubbles and well remember thinking how morally safe and snug it was far away from all those outside who were lost and destined to attend god’s supposed little human … Read more

What motivates people to sign up for ISIS?

It is rather easy to condemn ISIS, as a collective gang of theocratic thugs who rampage across Syria and Iraq destroying anything and everybody who does not conform to their supposed “truth”, the result is a trail of blood, horror and brutality almost unmatched. I need not dwell too long upon this specific aspect, for they do … Read more

Daft Claim: “Proof” that god is real

A Christian believer in South Africa writes on News24 about his encounter with a friend who used to believe but changed his mind and was now an atheist. It is of course an article that is not really about that specific encounter, but is actually a posting that is an attempt to convince others and perhaps … Read more

State Funds to be used to Keep Noah’s ark afloat

You might, or perhaps might not be aware, that there exists a Museum in Kentucky that vigorously promotes the rather daft idea that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Back in the 17th Century James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, sat down and calculated the age of the earth by using the genealogies contained … Read more

I agree with Pat Robertson … (A story about creationism)

Pat Robertson is perhaps seen by many as an incarnation of complete and utter lunacy and so you are more or less granted an iron-clad guarantee that anything and everything he ever says will be either weird, bizarre or utterly absurd. But hey … that thought turns out to be wrong, because he has in fact said … Read more

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