Conversations with an ex-radical Islamist – Why did he change his mind?

Maajid Nawaz (pictured above), a former radical Islamist, now a liberal counter-extremism activist, and author of his autobiographical book ‘Radical’ , held an AMA (ask me anything) over at /reddit/r/books a few days ago, here are some of the questions and answers from that session. The Introduction to the AMA opened with this … My name … Read more

The slow Torture of Raif Badawi by Saudi Arabia – #RaifBadawi

Saudi Arabia is in the news, and it is rather important to keep it there and ensure that the spotlight remains, not because of the passing of the baton of power (at the age of 90 King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz died yesterday), but rather due to them being a state that is, and has been for a … Read more

Making good choices – why do so many of us not do this?

Harriet Hall, the skeptic-doc, writes over on Science Based Medicine a fabulous article all about why people ignore the facts and instead buy into absurd ideas when it comes to making decisions that can potentially be the wrong side of the line between life and death. (Side note: she is a fascinating person, not only is she … Read more

The Hidden sexual message on the latest Charlie Hebdo cover

I never saw it and would have never seen it, that is until somebody pointed it out to me. The latest Charlie Hebdo cover (below) features an Image of Mohammed crying and holding up a sign that reads “Je Suis Charlie”. On the surface this appears to be saying that what happened is completely at … Read more

Christianity in decline

Craig Dunkley, a Christian apologist, writes within the American Thinker about the decline of Christianity in the US, and wants to rally those that believe to push back against the tide of disbelief. He start like this … Christianity is under attack in America, and it’s losing.  Meanwhile, the Church is, in general, sitting out the … Read more

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