The Atheist who found God

Christian apologist Joel Lurches has written a conversion story within the Examiner that I’ll take a quick peek at today. It basically concerns the conversion of a Norwegian Atheist and Feminist Nina Karin Monsen to Christian. A conversion story is of course one the primary means of Christian apologetics. It is never ever “Look, here is some evidence that … Read more

Claim: “God is outside our universe, hence is beyond science”

Adam Ericksen, the Education Director for The Raven Foundation a religious group that promotes non-violence, has recently blogged the rather common claim that God is not part of this universe. My intent here is not to specifically criticise Mr Ericksen nor the Raven Foundation, but to instead highlight it because it is simply one example of … Read more

What should you do when religious people come knocking on your door?

In the past during my religious phase I once belonged to a group that decided to do some outreach, and so this attempt to grow the community basically consisted of going door-to-door and inviting people along. It was I confess an interesting experience, because I got to see ways in which different people responded when encountering religion, … Read more

Pakistani lawyers pushing “Death for Blasphemy” for hundreds of cases

Reuters has a report about a group of 700 Pakistani lawyers in the Punjab who are vigorously promoting support for the concept of “Death for Blasphemy” and are part of a consortium whose mission is to ensure that those that are accused are then charged, tried, and execute … no exceptions. The Reuters report explains … A little-known alliance … Read more

What does “Evangelical” really mean?

What exactly is an “evangelical”? The word itself is usually deployed to describe the happy-clappy Christians who would describe themselves as “born again” and so generally it is composed of individuals who have not as such inherited their belief but have had a personal conversion experience that resulted in them making a specific commitment. That however … Read more

Survival of the Fittest

Where does the term “Survival of the Fittest” actually come from, and what does it really mean? The context for asking this is that there is a prevailing myth regarding this term that needs to be robustly challenged. To illustrate exactly why lets turn to well-known evangelist Ray Comfort for some “inspiration” on this topic. … Read more

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