Kenyan Attorney General suspends registration of atheists’ society

What happens when belief dominates a society? This does, it is just happened in Kenya … Attorney General Githu Muigai suspends registration of atheists’ society Attorney General Githu Muigai has suspended the registration of the Atheists’ Society in Kenya following complaints from the clergy. … “Following receipt of representations made to the State Law Office by … Read more

Silly Stuff: “Big Bang Blows Atheism Sky High”

Where this latest “scientific” claim comes from is a conservative “news” site and it is indeed truly weird stuff and quite silly, and yes those air quotes around a couple of words there are well-deserved. Anyway, without any further ado, let’s jump in. The posting by a chap named Matt Barber opens as follows:- The Big Bang … Read more

Weird Demands: Pat Boone Wants Blasphemy Laws to Punish Saturday Night Live

Pat Boone, yes the singer not somebody with a similar name, feels that Saturday night live went too far with a recent parody and he would like to see a blasphemy law put in place to prosecute them for “Blasphemy”. This happened a few days ago on the April 22, 2016 broadcast of Fox News Radio’s The … Read more

What do British Muslims Really Think?

Channel 4 recently aired a programme that was designed to reflect the results of a comprehensive survey that they commissioned, and as might be expected, there have been complaints. It is perhaps inevitable because some are permanently ready to be offended if a specific belief garners any form of criticism, and labels are soon rapidly … Read more

Another murder by religious fanatics in Bangladesh – Professor Rezaul Karim Siddique

Last Saturday morning, university lecturer Professor Rezaul Karim Siddique, a teacher within the English Department, was hacked to death by Islamist fanatics as he left his home and walked towards the bus station to go to work. The UKs Guardian reports .. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for hacking to death a university professor in Bangladesh for “calling to atheism”. The … Read more

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