Abusing Bayes theorem

Bates theorem is named after the Rev. Thomas Bayes (1701–1761), who first formulated it. It is essentially a statistical tool that allows you to work out the probability of something. The Cancer Illustration Let’s quickly illustrate how it works. If you wanted to work out the probability that somebody has cancer and you knew how old they were then you could … Read more

Religious group demands airtime on BBC

So the news is that Voice for Justice UK, a religious group, has presented a 12,000 signature petition to the BBC demanding that the BBC should not take up proposals to reduce Christian programs and that they should also fire their current Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Amhed, simply because he is not Christian. Their representative, … Read more

How should you respond to violent religious extremists?

Some people can and do embrace utterly absurd beliefs that inspire them to behave in a truly obnoxious manner, and so you might sometimes wonder what the best way to handle such absurdity actually is. I’m thinking specifically of the extreme variations of Islamic belief that we are rather sadly familiar with. Are these people you can … Read more

How to be religious and also very obnoxious

Matt Barber would like to convince you that you are wrong for not believing exactly what he believes. His strategy is to advise that his belief is quite obviously true, and you are delusional if you don’t just believe it despite the complete lack of any evidence. He even has a bible quote that declares you to be an … Read more

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