Will Satanists really be running after school clubs?

There have been reports that the Satanic Temple will soon be setting up After School clubs, so is there any truth to this or have you just tripped over a bit of summer season silliness churned out by a hack while the real journalists are away on vacation? It is also the sort of story that can … Read more

How do Evangelicals Justify Supporting Trump?

Asking Evangelicals to explain exactly why they openly support Trump is an interesting question because it is indeed quite fascinating to see how they can happily embrace the idea that Trump, a seriously morally impaired individual, is the best possible choice. It should perhaps not surprise us because religion does have a rather rich historical Pedigree of support … Read more

Does Ray Comfort really have the “Atheist Killer” question?

One specific thing that evangelist Ray Comfort appears to be quite good at is drumming up a bit of marketing hype for something that actually has no real substance at all, but we should not be surprised by that because that essentially is what his entire career is all about. His latest movie has been offered … Read more

Weird claim: Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice

I do confess that I am quite frankly astonished to observe that many within the Evangelical community are enthuestic Trump supporters. Why my surprise? Well because there are specific characteristics that we now associate with Trump that would lead to an expectation that this should not be the case, namely the specific personality quirks that Mr Trump has … Read more

David Barton: I’ll Only Debate Atheists If I Get to Speak 92% of the Time

Sometimes you come across folks who feel they are truly entitled to a special privilege. Take for example Mr David Barton. The Friendly Atheist recounts this latest saga of absurdity on steroids … Christian pseudo-historian David Barton gave a sermon last month at Calvary Chapel Salt Lake (Utah) in which he explained the bizarre conditions under which he’d debate … Read more

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