Did Trump really obliterate the Johnson Amendment?

Trump had promised to reward the religious right with special privileges for voting for him. For example back in February we have USA Today reporting that Trump had assured them that he would … “totally destroy” the law that prohibits churches from engaging in political activity, a move that would upend 63 years of settled tax law. In … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

Whenever faced with some utterly absurd claim I do seriously grasp for a thought that runs along the lines of “Nobody could possibly be that stupid“. Alas, time after time I find many are both quite determined and highly motivated to prove that I am quite wrong about that, and they also are usually quite successful … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

As I do this each week it becomes rather apparent that quite often the same individuals pop up on a regular basis, for example Ken Ham or Jim Bakker. Last week none of them did, it was all new weirdness. “Hey, have the regulars decided to be reasonable?” you might wonder, “Have they pondered over … Read more

Fourteen per cent of Evangelicals left their churches after Trump’s election

This is not an article about religion as such, but rather is a commentary on the response to the Religious Right’s political support for an individual who incarnates the opposite of almost every single thing that they claim they stand for. The UK”s Independent highlights just how bizarre the evangelical right’s behaviour has been … The vast majority … Read more

How many people actually believe in God?

Belief in God sounds like a simple question to address, and is one that you would expect is well understood. Simply conduct a poll, and if concerned about people being pressured by friends or relatives, then make it anonymous. That should yield a reasonable answer … right? There are of course polls like this that are run on a … Read more

Did Jesus really exist?

Was there ever an actual human named Jesus or is his very existence a myth? The most probable rational conclusion is that there was indeed a human who claimed to be a Messiah and was then executed. However, when it comes to the various supernatural and miracle claims, there are very good reasons for considering all … Read more

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