Saudi Atheist Facing 10 Years in Jail and 1,000 Lashes for Blasphemy Receives Prize from Reporters Without Borders

A very brave Saudi Arabian blogger, Raif Badawi (pictured above), was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes for the (from the viewpoint of the Saudi authorities) hideous crime of starting a progressive website. It contained ideas that truly frightened and terrified them, for example religious tolerance and women’s rights, and so they came down hard on … Read more

Why can’t I remember?

Today, the Sunday closest to 11th of November, is the day on which wreaths are formally laid in remembrance at Whitehall, in Central London. Many of those that fought and died were atheists and humanists, but today only the religious are represented, the non-religious have been specifically excluded. As noted on the campaign site for a 21st century remembrance… The Defence Humanists and … Read more

Iran = Place where watching volleyball earns you one year in jail

It sounds utterly absurd, and the reason it does is because it truly is by any reasonable or rational measure. The BBC has the details … A British-Iranian woman detained in Iran after trying to watch a men’s volleyball match has been sentenced to a year in prison, her lawyer says. Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, was … Read more

Really daft claim: “Atheism Is a Religion, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos Seek Converts”

Just how truly weird can claims made by serious intelligent people become? The answer would appear to be really really weird, because this latest example is truly quite stunning. David Klinghoffer, an author and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the organization that is the driving force behind the intelligent design movement has written an article within “Evolution News & … Read more

Daft Claim: Criticism of belief is bigotry and is like racism or homophobia

Kashif N Chaudhry, an  Muslim, writes that he carried out a social media experiment yesterday to see if new atheists’ onslaught on Yale Humanist Community was based on principle or prejudice. He concludes that verdict is out, and details it in his latest Huffington Post article. There he writes … Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an extreme anti-Islam critic, well known for her bigoted views … Read more

$100,000 to prove God doesn’t exist

Alas yes, once again it is time for the almost daily religious ritual of “Let’s shift the burden of proof” gambit. Today’s example comes from deep inside the religious bubble of Evangelical pastor and Internet celebrity Joshua Feuerstein, and yes, it’s the guy in the red baseball cap who has previously made himself famous by promoting some rather silly … Read more

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