Pokémon Go the ultimate religious lunatic detector

What happens when Pokémon Go meets fanatical religious belief in Saudi Arabia? I’m speculating about your thoughts, but my guess it that you will most probably conjurer up mental images of lots of little Pokémon being beheaded, and that is not too far from the truth. We have been here before, because back in 2001 when Pokémon first … Read more

Daft Claim: “Pokémon GO cyber-demons to be used by Islamic jihadists”

Sometimes you come across stuff that is so utterly bizarre that it is actually in one sense quite entertaining comedy gold. Today we throw a spotlight upon Rick Wiles, the host of the TruNews radio program, a Far-Right fundamentalist Christian radio show.  There he not only promotes conspiracy theories, but often strives with some success to out-crazy all the competition. “Weird” does not begin … Read more

Conservative congressional candidate shares screenshot, forgets to close porn windows

This is quite frankly hilarious … Mike Webb, a conservative candidate for the United States Congress, believes in full accountability, and so he tries to engage directly himself with the public. So far it is not going too well for him, because while attempting to share a screenshot on Facebook in order to win some daft argument regarding finding … Read more

Weird Demands: Pat Boone Wants Blasphemy Laws to Punish Saturday Night Live

Pat Boone, yes the singer not somebody with a similar name, feels that Saturday night live went too far with a recent parody and he would like to see a blasphemy law put in place to prosecute them for “Blasphemy”. This happened a few days ago on the April 22, 2016 broadcast of Fox News Radio’s The … Read more

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